Everything is a Remix

I spent an hour going through the lists of micropayment site Flattr early this morning and found a number of software, audio, and video gems.  Flattr was in private beta for much of 2010, but as of August is now open to the public.  It functions as an online tip jar for projects you find useful or worthy – encouraging developers to share their resources and users to share their support.

The video Everything is a Remix is one of the hundreds of projects listed at Flattr. The first episode of this four-part video series has been published with  part two scheduled to be complete near the end of 2010. If you like it, why not consider leaving a mircopayment via Flattr to keep production rolling.


Mozilla Ubiquity

Although the beta release for Mozilla Ubiquity appeared in August my workload has been far too off the chain to take it for a test drive. This weekend I installed Ubiquity and immediately become enamored with the way it efficiently ties together online services in the browser. I have called this ‘mashup on the fly’ as by drawing on commands or writing some basic Javascript to build your own, you can mix and match services easily in your browser. I played with the Flickr and GoogleMaps commands but what sold me was the Ubiquity Ping.fm command – the ability to post to all of my social networking sites at once – in 2 keystrokes – brilliant.

Be forewarned – this is not for everyone as the interface is text only – which is a deal breaker for some users. Also – Mac users will need to install Growl to enable notifications. Remember – this is an experimental development – be patient – it will grow on you in a big way.