Nocturne @ Night

I went out with Gabriel and Lydia Saturday night to take in Nocture @ Night – an event sponsored by the Nova Scotia Art Gallery. For the third year running, the free, volunteer-powered, community event celebrates the visual arts scene in Halifax.

I took a ton of video during the event with my mobile and patched it together roughly with the iMovie app – the little movie production studio in a pocket handles transitions, audio mixing, titles, captions, and a range of other video production features.   I spent little time crunching video, but features like these allow me to gather and share video clips easily and extends some of the ideas in this book to mobile video production.


Shake the Hand of the Clan That Shook the Hand…

Google FriendConnect
Google put some more muscle into their social app developments introducing Friendconnect as a companion piece to OpenSocial yesterday for a socialweb 1-2 punch. It will be interesting to see how this latest Google development will add leverage to OpenID and hopefully reduce the death by a thousand accounts I must bear in order to drink from the firehose of webapps surging through the pipes.

In other things Google – I have noted the addition of Google Note in my Greader this weekend and started playing about with the function. The Google Note bookmarklet allows me to share non-syndicated content(yes, these sites exist) into my shared Greader stream easily, something I can see being of great utility for me both personally and professionally.