Thanks for this helpful video Grant. I’d completely forgotten about NiceCast. I’d been trying to use BUTT (Broadcast Using This Tool – to no avail.

I tried to the follow the steps in the video to do a live ds106 set last night. For me there was a problem with getting the hijacked audio from iTunes into the NiceCast stream. The microphone signal made its way there however.

After doing some troubleshooting with the built-in NiceCast server and listening on iPod Touch and fStream, I was able to make it work by cutting Audio HiJack Pro out of the system.

Net result, I was able to have a successful ten minute live set on ds106 from my desktop computer that consisted of songs played from iTunes and me droning on through a microphone connected to the computer through a mixer.

Now all I need is to come up with something to say. I’m putting my thinking cap on. Perhaps I should peruse from the ds106 blogs for ideas and inspiration.

Thanks again for this amazing and exciting resource.