Mixed Tapes

MixedTape As I mentioned in the first post of NetworkEffects, there are certain elements of my former blog that I can not abandon completely – namely – ruminations on music and its forms.

I have kept my boxes of mixed tapes and radio recordings (among which are my most coveted Nightlines shows) and hope to have them moved to BC from NS this year. The fine folks at Dinosaurs and Robots are throwing things back to the years of analog mashups every Friday night with their MixTape Friday night.

What will be in store?

“Every Friday night, Dinosaurs and Robots will upload a dusty cassette mixed tape! Found at garage sales and junkyard glove boxes, mixed tapes provide all the voyeuristic thrills of reading somebody’s diary without the related ethical quandaries. “



Yet another ball in the air this past week – an OpenSim installation.

From my first wandering in SecondLife, I was always somewhat leery of the platform’s dependency on centralized arrays of servers and the inability to peer into the server code. OpenSim is an important step in decentralizing SL servers allowing users to host their own simulation or link to other nodes to create broader collaborative environments using services like OSGrid, Central Grid, and OpenLifeGrid.

Haven’t had a whole lot of luck managing permissions on objects and have had some wonky physics engine issues, but at 0.5 Beta – there is significant potential in OpenSim. Have my OpenSim on the university LAN, so no listing with aforementioned directories as of yet. Hope to have the bugs worked out in the coming months and start listing my OpenSim regions.