Unlock and Load

Failed Business Model

Search Engine is a CBC Radio podcast that I have been enjoying for some time. Today they announced that they would be expanding their voice to other CBC outlets, but not continuing with the podcast in the present form. For their last show they managed to get Industry Minister Jim Prentice on the line for 10 minutes to address listener concerns regarding Bill C-61. Although not necessary surprised by this government’s lack of understanding of the complexities of enforcement and sheer sustainability of such legislation, I was left somewhat agog at the Minister’s inability to address the concerns and situations presented with certainty and clarity.

The Education and Research amendments posted on the Industry Canada website are still singing the ‘digital copies for single print use only’ refrain which is mind boggling in a age of portable media devices and digital text.

There is much talk of ‘digital locks’ in Minister Prentice’s plan which reminded me of this article regarding the sheer folly of DRM and ‘digital locks’ and how applying a dabble of crowdsourcing to an ‘unbreakable lock’ usually results in egg-faced DRM engineers – DVD Jon is a good case in point.

This Bill is in its third reading and it looks like it might be become law unless saner minds prevail. Let’s hope the Canadian government doesn’t make a criminal out of me.


Balloons and Panels

Graphic NovelsInteresting ideas circulating at the LearnNowBC Community Forums regarding literacy and the role of graphic novels and comic books. Adrian Hill draws on some of comicdom’s legendary artists and academic research suggesting why the art form is undergoing somewhat of a renaissance in North America and poses some ideas on the legacy and future of the form. As a long time comic book fan, I am enjoying his insights immensely.

You need a membership to join the forum, but if you would just like to poke your head in, the RSS feed can be found here.