
MapjackAnyone who has played with a GPS or used geolocation technologies knows how fun and addictive it can be. I will be working with an instructor at UNBC that may be conducting a field school in Antarctica next year and is interested in the possibility of integrating geotagging activities into the fieldschool. I have been steeping myself in geocoding-tech in preparation for our brainstorming sessions.

I happened to stumple upon Mapjack in my wandering through geocoding-related sites and found this Google StreetLevel-like project.

As of yet, there are only 2 cities with high-res street level images – San Francisco and Chiang Mai, Thailand. Carole and I spent some time in Chiang Mai and I had a hoot re-wandering the streets looking for the temples and restaurants we had the joy of visiting. A possible interesting implementation of geotech for geography-related studies given the wealth of mashable potential in the GoogleMaps API.