Mobile Broadcasting

I spent some time this weekend at community events and thought I’d try out a couple iPhone apps I have been meaning to explore for the past few weeks.  First event – a Lego competition hosted by the Northern BC Lego Club – you read that correctly.  While waiting for the competition to open I connected my phone to the library wireless and fired up Qik – an application that allows you to broadcast live video and audio to an embedded player in your blog.  Below is a clip of a massive Lego installation illustrating a methanol production facility.

Next event – the Prince George Symphony Orchestra performing Peter and Wolf during the Exploration Place Family Day.  For this event I thought I would try the app – Record.  Record is a fairly straightforward recording application but also gathers locative date using the iPhone integrated GPS.  The result is an MP3 recording with time/date/location stamp.  Recordings can be sorted within the app by a ‘Smart Location’ folder feature.  This feature allows you to sort recordings based on your location to the original recording source location.  For example, I can set a folder to only show recordings that were made within 20 miles of me.  Not sure how this would be useful – but it sure is cool.  The downside: you need to use a application called Sink to export the audio from the device – a process that appears to strip the locative metadata.  

Here is a short clip I recorded during the performance of Peter and the Wolf.

Video thumbnail. Click to play.


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