href weekly | March 17 – 23


“exit-seeking behaviors”

a reverse city builder in which you have to basically undo all of humanity’s worst habits and leave a planet with a thriving ecosystem

THE HTML REVIEW is an annual journal of literature made to exist on the – Vol III EXPEDITIONS – Journeys guided and unguided, walks, feats of endurance


What can 5000-year-old abstract art and magic mushrooms tell us about St.Patricks Shamrock?

Politics & Economics

Will the social and environmental contributions of be overshadowed by its huge footprint?

Privileging outputs over experiences is a steering away from quality. This was true before – It’s not quite more true now, except that the existence of a technology that can create the simulations has given folks qualms about the “integrity” of the work. That work never had integrity because it was already tainted by privileging a box-checking product over a meaningful process.

there’s another way to practise politics in this country, and it’s one Canadians find deeply appealing.

Belonging as learning outcome ..

While winter’s end is typically marked by the climatologists look at what’s known as meteorological the three-month period from December to February. Over that period, was 5.2 C warmer than average .. that’s 1.1 degrees warmer than the previous record set in 2009-2010.


The Representatives of Something That Couldn’t Be Negotiated With

But one of the people who did understand how to use this new power was Donald Trump. Trump realized that there was now no future in building housing for ordinary people, because all the government grants had gone. But he saw there were other ways to get vast amounts of money out of the state. Trump started to buy up derelict buildings in New York and he announced that he was going to transform them into luxury hotels and apartments. But in return, he negotiated the biggest tax break in New York’s history, worth 160 million. The city had to agree because they were desperate, and the banks, seeing a new opportunity, also started to lend him money. And Donald Trump began to transform New York into a city for the rich, while he paid practically nothing.

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Two-part Village Voice piece on that era at: