href weekly | March 10 – 16


A growing gallery of 404 page designs from around the internet.

“It made the work of combing through the Mauritius Leaks not just more efficient, but actually just possible. We’re talking about 200,000 extremely technical documents. You can’t just read that page-by-page. You need the help of a machine.”

“a system that is so heavily trained on the outputs of other that it becomes an inbred mutant, likely with exaggerated, grotesque features.”

Sound & Music

audio was a game changer for me when I was struggling with many years ago .. provided me with restful sleep for a couple years, until I didn’t need them further

They were a singular ensemble making new that had the sonic spirit and feel of rock but also stretched into avant-garde classical structural techniques and concepts, using drones, free improvisation, beat poetry, psychedelia, non-Western music, ambient sounds, and more.”

Film & Video

The Eyes Scream: A History of The Residents



href weekly | March 3 – 9


love this application of

We have to keep our heads about us because when opportunities do arise to voice our concerns, or propose alternatives, we need to be able to calmly and clearly describe the future we’d rather have instead.

“the equivalent of adding a new heavily industrialized country, like Sweden or Germany, to the planet.”

Unlimited AI-generated practice problems and answers

“Don’t bookmark. Download. Hard drives are cheap. Fill them up with everything you think you might need to consult, watch, read, listen to, or cite in the future.”

“Ransomware also tends to be the bill collector for technical debt.”

According to a new study by University of California Riverside researchers, roughly two weeks of training for GPT-3 consumed about 700,000 liters of freshwater. The global AI demand is projected by 2027 to account for 4.2-6.6 billion cubic meters of water withdrawal, which is more than the total annual water withdrawal of Denmark or half of the United Kingdom.

Music & Sound is a musical landscape in a website. The music is laid out in a landscape which can be explored, either interactively, or automatically when the autopilot is left on.

Politics & Economics

“the relatively new revenue source for landlords across Canada has been a major cause of housing financialization, where is treated as a commodity, or a vehicle for profit and investment, rather than a social good.”

More than 20 communities in Manitoba and nearly 70 northern communities nationwide are fly-in only for most of the year, and rely on a window lasting just six to eight weeks in the winter to import their annual supply of food, fuel, medical supplies, construction materials and other vital infrastructure on a network of roads built from ice and snow.