href weekly | Sept 24-Sept30


The departure of Summer means the start of my evening season is close at hand .. will definitely start my season with the new DLC

Machinations: ,Ethics of Care, and the Future(s) of – great 2023 Digital Pedagogy Institute keynote from @brennacgray

if image generators can produce anything with their giant dataset and their powerful why should they produce photorealistic images by default?

This specific blend of awe, disbelief, and dread all sound like the words of a victim of a mentalist scam artist – psychics.

Music & Sound

“a pop-surrealistic parable of creeping corporate power and infinite war, rampant industrialisation and environmental collapse, UFOs and time travel”

Politics & Economics

The challenge is how do you communicate radical ideas—meaning ideas that get to the root of our current crises—in a way that invites other people into a different world view or a different set of solutions?


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